In one of scnerio. i have to access user control of web application in my Class Library project.I do check what are the possibilities and alternatively found the solution.
Implement interface to user control and get access of properties and methods in class library.
23 public partial class multiupload : Imultiupload
here is my Interface
9 public interface Imultiupload
in my Class Library project class where i want to access i have just initialize the control like this,
41 Imultiupload fileupload = null;
and then i have access it by LoadControl method.
314 fileupload = (Imultiupload)Page.LoadControl("~/inigo/admin/controls/multiupload.ascx");
315 fileupload.ControlID = Lib.ToUnderscore(p.Name);
316 fileupload.AllowMultipleFileUploads = true;
317 fileupload.ButtonText = "Upload Files";
Using Interface to access the user control in class library project is good practice.
Happy Coding :-)