Saturday, March 20, 2010

Solution to search suggestions with permutition

Hi All,

In one of requirement i need to show the all possible combinitation of text provided in input to show possible search suggestions, i started thinking like school student of permutition and i found the solution, here is my code i have solved with Javascript

permute = function(v, m){ //v1.0
for(var p = -1, j, k, f, r, l = v.length, q = 1, i = l + 1; --i; q *= i);
for(x = [new Array(l), new Array(l), new Array(l), new Array(l)], j = q, k = l + 1, i = -1;
++i < l; x[2][i] = i, x[1][i] = x[0][i] = j /= --k);
for(r = new Array(q); ++p < q;)
for(r[p] = new Array(l), i = -1; ++i < l; !--x[1][i] && (x[1][i] = x[0][i],
x[2][i] = (x[2][i] + 1) % l), r[p][i] = m ? x[3][i] : v[x[3][i]])
for(x[3][i] = x[2][i], f = 0; !f; f = !f)
for(j = i; j; x[3][--j] == x[2][i] && (x[3][i] = x[2][i] = (x[2][i] + 1) % l, f = 1));
return r;

function callPermute()
var a = ["A","B","C"], j = permute(a);
document.write("< h2 >", a.join(" "), " = ", j.length, "< /h2 >",j.join("< br / >"));

you can call the method callPermute() to show the require result

Happy Coding :)