Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Ping command utility with datetime stamp

Dear All,

Sometimes using the external client FTP/SFTP or shared folder path it has been observed that files getting missed or file un-properly copied with data loss. to avoid such circumstances we have a nice feature in windows called PING, we can utilize the capability of ping to monitor the network availability. so i have added some more concrete logging with the help of datetime command. here is the entire script which one can save as .BAT file and continue to run in background.

@echo off
    ping -t ftp.yourftp.com|cmd /q /v /c "(pause&pause)>nul & for /l %%a in () do (set /p "data=" && echo(!date! !time! !data!)&ping -n 2 ftp.yourftp.com>nul"

Happy Coding!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Resume Suspended BizTalk Instances by Powershell


Recently I had in situation where a large number of instances were stuck in BizTalk which needs to be resumed faster as possible.

Following i did,

1) Query the BizTalkMsgBoxDb database to get all suspended messages by error description

select * from [dbo].[InstancesSuspended](nolock)Where lower(nvcerrordescription) like '%SearchError%'

2) Provide the , separated list of instances to following power shell script and run the script which resumed the instances on one shot as desired.

## ServiceClass members
# Description Value
# Orchestration 1
# Tracking 2
# Messaging 4
# Other 16
# Isolated adapter 32
# Routing failure report 64

## ServiceStatus members
# Description Value
# Ready to run 1
# Active 2
# Suspended (resumable) 4
# Dehydrated 8
# Completed with discarded messages 16
# Suspended (not resumable) 32
# In breakpoint 64

#Get a list of suspended messages with info from WMI
$suspendedMsgs = Get-WmiObject MSBTS_ServiceInstance -Namespace 'root\MicrosoftBizTalkServer' -Filter '(ServiceClass = 4 or ServiceClass = 1) and (ServiceStatus = 4 or ServiceStatus = 16 or ServiceStatus = 32)' | sort SuspendTime -Desc
# Note if you want to use the datetimes from WMI use [management.managementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime() to convert.
foreach($msg in $suspendedMsgs)
    #Replace your instances list over here needs to be resume
    $msgInstnces = "905EA5D3-2BB9-4FA0-B8BC-74BB5D44EB9D,430A863B-9C4A-47CB-8953-4F6CB80AAD75".Split(",")
    foreach($msgInstnce in $msgInstnces)
        if($msg.InstanceId -eq "{" + $msgInstnce + "}")

Happy Coding!!!!!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Search Text in all stored procedures of database

Hi All,

To those who want to search any text within all stored procedure of particular database then you can utilize the following system tables sys.sql_modules and sys.objects and search for given text.

Here is the MS-SQL query, be noted you need the elevated access to run this query.

       o.name AS Object_Name,
  FROM sys.sql_modules m
       sys.objects o
         ON m.object_id = o.object_id
WHERE m.definition Like '%\[ABC\]%' ESCAPE '\';

the above search the text [ABC] in all stored procedure objects in particular database.

Happy Coding!!!!!

Handling The ROLLBACK TRANSACTION request has no corresponding BEGIN TRANSACTION error in MS-SQL

Hi All,

When ever are you using Transactions in your T-SQL statements or in functions or stored procedures you should always make sure there is high chances of Transactions are committed or roll-backed due to one or other reasons and you might encounter the following error every time you trying to commit or rollback the transaction which is already processed.

To avoid the code failure and MS-SQL to raise this error we should better to handle the code by checking the condition if any transaction is active in current session.

we have @@TRANCOUNT global variable which gives the count value of active transactions. we can use this global variable value before committing or roll-backing the transactions.







Happy coding

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Comman Table Expression in MS-SQL

Hi All,

Recently i had to generate a report on monthly throughput of invoices processed through BizTalk Server

In current architecture we are storing the each invoice information in MS-SQL server as primarily source of information. here we are stamping each batch predefined with standard format and ending with MMDDYY format.

In MS-SQL we have feature called Comman Table Expression(CTE) which better form of TempTable and with the help of this i can achieve the required report.

Here is example,




063118                   3
070118                   1
070218                   3
070318                   2
070418                   2

Hope this Help!!!

BizTalk Debugging and Breakpoint Instances

Hi All,

Recently i had a situation where by mistake of developer some class level debugging point were left selected and thus resulting subsequent service instances were stuck in Break point.

BizTalk provides the great feature of Instance Statistics for both Running and Suspended.

Usually people find states which familiar to them, where as there is one more state which is come in picture when you have enabled debugging.

1  – Ready to run  
2  – Active  
4  – Suspended (resumable)  
8  – Dehydrated  
16 – Zombies (completed with discarded messages)  
32 – Suspended  (not resumable)  
64 – In Breakpoint

Additionally following MS-SQL query will be helpful in getting count of messages (Application wise) in Different states.

SELECT nvcName as ApplicationName,
CASE Instances.nState
WHEN 1 THEN ‘Ready To Run’
WHEN 2 THEN ‘Active’
WHEN 4 THEN ‘Suspended Resumable’
WHEN 8 THEN ‘Dehydrated’
WHEN 16 THEN ‘Completed With Discarded Messages’
WHEN 32 THEN ‘Suspended Non-Resumable’
WHEN 64 THEN ‘In-Breakpoint(Active)’
END as State,
count(Instances.nState) as Count
FROM Instances
LEFT OUTER JOIN InstancesSuspended
on Instances.uidInstanceId = InstancesSuspended.uidInstanceID
on Instances.uidServiceID = [Services].uidServiceID
on Modules.nModuleID = [Services].nModuleID
group by nvcName,Instances.nState

And following MS-SQL query gives the messages count with Instance Names

SELECT distinct
Modules.nvcName as ApplicationName,
CASE Instances.nState
WHEN 1 THEN 'Ready To Run'
WHEN 2 THEN 'Active'
WHEN 4 THEN 'Suspended Resumable'
WHEN 8 THEN 'Dehydrated'
WHEN 16 THEN 'Completed With Discarded Messages'
WHEN 32 THEN 'Suspended Non-Resumable'
WHEN 64 THEN 'In-Breakpoint(Active)'
END as State,
count(Instances.nState) as Count ,
SUBSTRING(Subscription.nvcName,0,CHARINDEX('{',Subscription.nvcName,0)) as Itinerary,
Subscription.nvcApplicationName as Host
LEFT OUTER JOIN InstancesSuspended
on Instances.uidInstanceId = InstancesSuspended.uidInstanceID
on Instances.uidServiceID = [Services].uidServiceID
on Modules.nModuleID = [Services].nModuleID
on [Services].uidServiceID = [Subscription].uidServiceID
where Modules.nvcName is not null
group by Modules.nvcName,Instances.nState,Subscription.nvcName,Subscription.nvcApplicationName
order by Modules.nvcName desc

Note: Use BizTalkMsgBoxDb to use all above queries.

Happy BizTalking.!!!!

Friday, August 3, 2018

XLANGs.BTEngine.BTXTimerMessages inside BizTalk Message Box


I thought i would like to share BTXTimerMessage with BizTalk lovers.

BTXTimerMessage ???

They are messages BizTalk uses internally to control timers.  This includes the delay shape and scope shapes with timeouts.

Where am i resides - BTXTimerMessage ???

You will see these messages in BizTalk Administration Console, They will be associated with running Orchestations. If they show up, they will be in the Delivered, Not Consumed (zombie) message status.

When i born - BTXTimerMessage ???

I see these messages when I am working with parallel actions, atomic scope, and convoys.  My sample, Limit Running Orchestrations, produces these types of message.  I have not been able to pin point the exact shapes or actions that cause these messages to show up.

Why i born BTXTimerMessage ???

Good question.  I have a theory, but it is probably wrong.  It is that the timer message is returned to the Orchestration after if has passed the point of the delay or scope shape.  Thus, it is never consumed by the Orchestration.

Am i useless ???

I think so.  I always ignore them.  They will go away when the Orchestration completes or is terminated.  These do not seem to act like normal zombies in that they do not cause the Orchestration to Suspend.

Still Confused about BTXTimerMessage ???

Let me fill you in.  BTXTimerMessage in the Delivered, Not Consumed status are sometimes seen in HAT when working with Timers.  I have not really determined why they happen, but I suspect they should not show up in HAT at all.  I do not think they hurt anything and I pay little attention to them.  When the Orchestration finally ends or is terminated these messages simply go away.  They are annoying and in long running transactions can start to stack up in BizTalk Administration Console.  Although, if you try to terminate these messages they will take down the running Orchestration with them.

Happy BizTalking !!!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Split Large Files into Parts

Hi All,

For one of the Client we had started the logging of SFTP communications done through SFTP Client tool WinScp, on weekends client processing team had process many files and unfortunitely one of the file was not uploaded properly to client SFTP site.

Luckly we had enabled logging on our SFTP client, but now the challenge is over the weekend this log file is increased in MBs and it is difficult to read such a hugh file with Windows Notepad or even NotePad++ 

So i thought to develop a small utility to split such large file into parts so that it can be access in parts to read the contents.

I wrote the following code in C# but i am pretty sure it can be convert in any other native languages supported by different operating systems platforms.

Here is the code snippet of the utility followed by usage and results screenshot.

namespace ServiceConsoleApp
    class Program

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var fileSuffix = 0;
            int lines = 0;
            Stream fstream = File.OpenWrite(args[1] + (++fileSuffix));
            StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fstream);

            using (var file = File.OpenRead(args[0]))
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(file))
                while (!reader.EndOfStream)

                    if (lines >= 1000000)
                        lines = 0;
                        fstream = File.OpenWrite(args[1] + (++fileSuffix));
                        sw = new StreamWriter(fstream);



YourDrive:\>ServiceConsoleApp.exe FTPLog.log FileSplits

Hope this Helps!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

BizTalk Message and BizTalk Message Context monitoring

Hi All,

A few days ago one of our client go live on production environment and our BizTalk production environment burst with number of messages received from client and in-out flows with BizTalk.

The Production support team is not BizTalk expert team and they want some utility which search a word inside the message and context.

To fulfil this requirement we have developed the simple dotnet utility which accepts the blob messages from BizTalkDTADb.dbo.Parts table, decompress the messages and context and search user provided text in to match in message and context.

I have followed below steps, to achive this requirement.

1) Make sure Global Tracking is enabled so that we are able to get tracked messages.

2) Two most important DLL reference need to add in console application


3) I have take the following query which poll the important column [Message],[MessageContext], [MessageID] and [ServiceInstanceId].

sf.[Service/Name] AS [Name]
,sf.[ServiceInstance/StartTime] AS [StartTime]
,sf.[ServiceInstance/EndTime] as [EndTime]
,mioe.uidMessageInstanceId AS [MessageID]
,tp.imgPart AS [Message]
,ts.imgContext AS [MessageContext] 
,mioe.uidServiceInstanceId as [ServiceInstanceId] 
[BizTalkDTADB]..dtav_ServiceFacts sf WITH (READPAST) 
LEFT JOIN [BizTalkDTADB]..dta_MessageInOutEvents mioe WITH (ROWLOCK READPAST) 
ON sf.[ServiceInstance/InstanceID] = mioe.uidServiceInstanceId 
AND sf.[ServiceInstance/ActivityID] = mioe.uidActivityId 
LEFT JOIN [BizTalkDTADB]..btsv_Tracking_Parts tp WITH (READPAST) 
ON mioe.uidMessageInstanceId = tp.uidMessageID 
LEFT JOIN [BizTalkDTADB]..btsv_Tracking_Spool ts WITH (READPAST) 
ON tp.uidMessageID = ts.uidMsgId ";

4) I used the GetDataSet() method to poll data from Microsoft BizTalk Server database.

5) For each Dataset row we need to decompress Message and MessageContext using the GetMessageStream() and ParseContextField() method.

6) Compare search word in each decompressed message and context and save the results in physical file in application current folder.

The result will be helpful in further analysis and monitoring purpose with BizTalk Server.

Given below is entire the code snippet of application.

using Microsoft.BizTalk.Agent.Interop;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Component.Interop;
using Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop;
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Configuration;

namespace SearchText
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            string strConn = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["btsMesBoxConn"]; //<add key="btsMesBoxConn" value="Data Source=YOURIPADDRESS;Initial Catalog=BizTalkDTADb;Integrated Security=True"/>
            string strSQL = "SELECT " +
                            "sf.[Service/Name] AS [Name]" +
                            ",sf.[ServiceInstance/StartTime] AS [StartTime]" +
                            ",sf.[ServiceInstance/EndTime] as [EndTime]" +
                            ",sf.[ServiceInstance/State]" +
                            ",mioe.uidMessageInstanceId AS [MessageID]" +
                            ",tp.imgPart AS [Message]" +
                            ",ts.imgContext AS [MessageContext] " +
                            ",mioe.uidServiceInstanceId as [ServiceInstanceId] " +
                            "FROM " +
                            "[BizTalkDTADB]..dtav_ServiceFacts sf WITH (READPAST) " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [BizTalkDTADB]..dta_MessageInOutEvents mioe WITH (ROWLOCK READPAST) " +
                            "ON sf.[ServiceInstance/InstanceID] = mioe.uidServiceInstanceId " +
                            "AND sf.[ServiceInstance/ActivityID] = mioe.uidActivityId " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [BizTalkDTADB]..btsv_Tracking_Parts tp WITH (READPAST) " +
                            "ON mioe.uidMessageInstanceId = tp.uidMessageID " +
                            "LEFT JOIN [BizTalkDTADB]..btsv_Tracking_Spool ts WITH (READPAST) " +
                            "ON tp.uidMessageID = ts.uidMsgId ";
            DataSet ds = GetDataSet(strConn, strSQL);
            foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                if (row["Message"] != System.DBNull.Value && row["MessageContext"] != System.DBNull.Value)

                    SqlBinary binData = new SqlBinary((byte[])row["Message"]);
                    // encoded imgPartField
                    MemoryStream stm = new MemoryStream(binData.Value);
                    Stream aStream = GetMessageStream(stm);//CompressionStreams.Decompress(stm);
                    //Decompress and decode binary stream
                    StreamReader aReader = new StreamReader(aStream);

                    string aMessage = aReader.ReadToEnd(); // Read message in plain format
                    string aContext = ParseContextField((byte[])row["MessageContext"]);
                    if (aMessage.Contains(args[0]) || aContext.Contains(args[0]))
                        sb.Append(string.Format("---------------------{0}ServiceInstance:{1} MessageID:{2}{3}---------------------{4}Message Context:{5} {6}Message Details:{7}{8}_____________________{9}", Environment.NewLine, Convert.ToString(row["ServiceInstanceId"]), Convert.ToString(row["MessageID"]), Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine, aContext, Environment.NewLine, aMessage, Environment.NewLine, Environment.NewLine));

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".txt", sb.ToString());
        internal static Stream GetMessageStream(Stream stream)
            Assembly pipelineAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(string.Concat(Environment.CurrentDirectory, @"\Microsoft.BizTalk.Pipeline.dll"));
            Type compressionStreamsType = pipelineAssembly.GetType("Microsoft.BizTalk.Message.Interop.CompressionStreams", true);
            return (Stream)compressionStreamsType.InvokeMember("Decompress", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Static, null, null, new object[] { (object)stream });

        internal static string ParseContextField(byte[] contxt)
            string message = null;

            //You can then walk through the context as follows:
            //MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream((byte[])reader["imgContext"]); // result of calling ops_LoadTrackedMessageContext
            MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream((contxt)); // result of calling ops_LoadTrackedMessageContext         
            IBaseMessageContext context = ((IBTMessageAgentFactory)((IBTMessageAgent)new BTMessageAgent())).CreateMessageContext();
            for (int i = 0; i < context.CountProperties; ++i)
                string propName;
                string propNamespace;
                object propValue = context.ReadAt(i, out propName, out propNamespace);
                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine(propNamespace + ", " + propName + ": " + propValue.ToString());

                //if (ctxProperties == null || ctxProperties.Contains(propName))
                //    if (!bHideContextPropertyName)
                //    {
                message += propName.ToString() + " = ";
                message += propValue.ToString() + "; " + Environment.NewLine;
            return message;


        internal static DataSet GetDataSet(string ConnectionString, string SQL)
            SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString);
            SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter();
            SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = SQL;
            da.SelectCommand = cmd;
            DataSet ds = new DataSet();


            return ds;

 Here is the Syntax to run the utility from command prompt,

C:\SearchText> SearchText.exe "your search text"

And the Text result will looks like below.

Monday, May 21, 2018

EDI/AS2 BizTalk Configuration Failed: DTS package BAM_DM_InterchangeStatusActivity already exists

During the Configuration of EDI/AS2 on BizTalk Server Configuration Wizard, sometimes you may encounter the following error, this is due to the BAM Activity, BAM Activity Definitations, BAM Indexes are already configured or available on the machine where you configuring the EDI/AS2 feature.

Error: The BAM deployment failed. DTS package BAM_DM_InterchangeStatusActivity already exists on server <SQL Server Name>.

To over come this issue, there are two options.

1) one you follow the Microsoft support page and download the fix (Refer Link#1).

2) Manually remove the BAM Activities, Denifitions and Indexes using the following command.

Use the BM.exe which will be located at the %btsinstallpath%\Tracking folder

Bm.exe remove-all -DefinitionFile:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2\AS2ReportingActivityDefs.xml"

Bm.exe remove-all -DefinitionFile:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2\EdiReportingActivityDefs.xml"

Bm.exe remove-all -DefinitionFile:"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2013 R2\EdiReportingActivityIndexes.xml"

After successful above command execution Re-Configure the EDI/AS2 features in BizTalk Configuration wizard and it will successful configure the EDI/AS2 Runtimes.

Link#1 https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/2269514/the-biztalk-edi-as2-runtime-configuration-may-fail-with-error-dts-pack

Hope this Helps!!!!

Accessing UNC Path folders like local drive

When there is need to access the UNC Path folders with local command prompt functionality we can achieve this with the help of NET USE command

following is the syntax of NET USE command

[devicename | *] [\\computername\sharename[\volume] [password | *]]
        [/USER:[dotted domain name\]username]
        [/USER:[username@dotted domain name]
        [[/DELETE] | [/PERSISTENT:{YES | NO}]]

NET USE {devicename | *} [password | *] /HOME


Example : NET USE X: \\123.456.78.9\somesharedfolder\

after successfully execution of above command newly mapped drive X: is available to use it like a local machine drive.

Hope this Helps!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

BizTalk Server Read-Only access

Once we move application to Production environment, it is become necessary to provide very tight security to BizTalk Administration Console as well as the users (Developers, Production Monitoring Users or Support Professionals) who need to monitor the application on regular basis.

To overcome the issue  out-of-box Biztalk provides the role BizTalk Operator who will have limited access to BizTalk Administration Console, though there are some area where out-of-box biztalk functionality needs some alteration.

One instance is Default BizTalk Operators Group users can Start/Stop Receive Locations, Send Port and Orchestrations, To maintain high level of security some client require us not to provide any update access to these areas as well.

We can achieve this by revoking Execute Permissions from 'BTS_Operators' database role on following stored procedures of BizTalkMgmtDB database.





Hope this Helps!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

MS-SQL Query to get count of Spool size filter by MessageType

Take a scenario you are in middle of Heavy message load flooded in BizTalk system on your Production environment and you want to find which type of message are heavily available in Spool table which need attention to be cleanup or process.

By using the following MS-SQL Query you will get the list of records separated by Message Type in Spool Table with Message Type name.

USE BizTalkMsgBoxDb

SELECT nvcMessageType, count(*) AS MessageCount 
FROM dbo.Spool (NOLOCK)
GROUP BY nvcMessageType
ORDER BY MessageCount DESC

Hope this Helps!!!!

Bulk copy files from one folder to another using powershell

Suppose you have a thousands of files in one folder and its sub folders and you have given a task to filter out few files which you already identified is available but to find each file and copy them to other folder is quite tedious one. especially urgency of files filter is very high.

to overcome this issue and resolve this situation very smoothly i have come up with given power shell command which i am hoping to helpful to you people as well.

$file_list = Get-Content C:\fileslist.txt
$search_folder = "C:\SourceFolder"
$destination_folder = "C:\Backup\DestinationFolder"

foreach ($file in $file_list) {
    $file_to_move = Get-ChildItem -Path $search_folder -Filter $file -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Force | % { $_.FullName}
    if ($file_to_move) {
        Move-Item $file_to_move $destination_folder

all you need to do is fill your list of files in filelist.txt file and run the below power shell command. after successful completion you will able to see the filtered files in your destination folder location.

Hope this Helps!!!! 

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Know your right MS-DTEexc version using the Powershell

Some times when you encounter with some weird error stating the wrong version of MS-DTExec you are using, your first course of action should be to check the version you are calling is right or not.

   Code: 0xC000F427
   Source: Receive SS_SALES
   Description: To run a SSIS package outside of SQL Server Data Tools you must
install Receive SS_SALES of Integration Services or higher.

With the help of following Powershell script command you are able to identify list of all available/installed on your machine.

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-ChildItem C:\Progra*\dtexec.exe -Recurse | %{
$version = &$_;
$version -like "*Version*"

Hope this Helps!!!!